The following two animations were created during my studies. The task was to create a walk cycle and motion poster.
Broccoli Walk Cycle
For my Walk Cycle I was inspired by the illustrator and motion designer Fabian Rousseau, who has made a fair amount of fantastic animations. I decided to animate a broccoli as a character because I liked the colors on one hand and I wanted to create something unusual on the other.
Here is the result of my work:
Here is a small insight into my working process.
First I drew the broccoli in Illustrator and after some changes I animated it with After Effects.

After I finished the animation, I did the sound design. For this I used my favourite music software Ableton Live.

Sternburg Motion Poster
For the motion poster I decided to use the German brewery Sternburg, because I liked the simple design and I had an idea in my head. Of course it was not a paid job.
For this animation I tried out a slightly different approach: I sketched my idea with a smartphone video and then worked it out further.

For the realization of the animation I used Blender 3D and After Effects. The sound design was again realized with Ableton Live.